Sunday, January 30, 2011

Don't be late

It is not unusual that I'm late for work... It's just that I'm not a morning person ...
Totally unacceptable I knowwwwww.....

My daily resolution would be:
- To wake up early and be the first one to arrive at the office... or at least I get to go and have breakfast at the foodcourt before the working hour starts..
- To switch ON all the lights at the office in the morning...
- To park my car next to the lift at the parking.... or at least to be early enough to get a parking inside the building.....

Seriously I can't even remember when was the last time that I get to park my car in the building... Let alone to get a parking lot right next to the lift... To realise my RESOLUTIONS, I MUST wake up very early in the morning to get ready for work!

Well... this is the reason why we should wake up early and leave the house very very early.... Before the sunrise if possible....

Traffic Jam!!!!!

Cars are everywhere

Many cars on the left...

MORE cars on the right.... -____-

Lucky I have lots of food to keep me sane...

I have a slice of home made cake and home made muffin...

And a bag of toffee.... Oh also a remedy for my sore throat in my handbag... But i forgot to pack any drinks though...

Moral of the story: BE A MORNING PERSON!!??

Friday, January 28, 2011

Busy Bee....

I have been too occupied with work this few days.... Spending most of my time at the office... skipped meals.... stressed myself out with work.....

And finally....

Now! To the La la Land!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

So... Its true.....

I was told by my sister that if you want to lose weight, you must drink plenty of water.... Sounds ridiculous eh? or at least to me it does...

And today, as I was flipping through Malaysian Cosmopolitan, April 2010 (I knowww I should've recycle the magazine ages ago heheh..) I came across this short fact

Its Cosmopolitan Malaysian Version yah... so the articles are all in Malay
So the more your liquid intake, the higher your metabolism rate will be... the rationale behind it is that your body will use up energy to warm up the liquid before digesting it...That also means, the colder the liquid, the higher your metabolism rate will be as your body needs more energy to warm up the liquid..

Interesting fact eyy... so bottles up!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Why I Blog...

This is the reason why i blog

I know its kinda lame but REALLY need to actually make full use of it. I used to have a camera before and the only thing it can do is to collect MORE dust on the shelf heheh... And it is still collecting dust today. sooooo... to make sure this Olympus FE5050 did not end up just like its friend, I'd better find some way to force myself to use it.

Initially, I was so tempted to get myself one of these

Sony Cybershot T99.... So sleek..... so sexy..... and almost paperthin in other words... STYLOlahh..

And so I went to the camera shop to try it out and walk out with my pink Olympus FE5050 due to the following reasons -___-:

  1. It is more user friendly... I don't know how to explain... go and try it yourself at your nearest camera shop... you'll feel the difference
  2. It has buttons.. T99 uses touch screen. I am not a big fan of touchscreen.... The feel is just not there. Also the touch screen is not as smooth as iphones and ipads..
  3. The scene mode is about the same for both camera... But Olympus FE5050 has a MAGIC filter... You know... the effects that LOMO can do... So it has Soft Focus, Punk, Pop Art, Pin Hole, Fish Eye and last but not least, Drawing. All 6 effects which i didn't get the chance to try all of it yett.... but here are

Yeah I went to the supermarket right after the camera shop...
and this is Drawing

Again the supermarket shelves this time without shopper with basket
4. For normal shooting, the picture was not bad at all... We will see more picture from this camera in other post....