Friday, February 4, 2011

Pasar Borong Do's and Dont's

Date : 1 February 2011 (Tuesday)
Time : 8.45 pm
Venue : Pasar Borong Serdang
Mission : 6 kilos of cockles

I will turn 29 this year and this is my first time setting foot in a Pasar Borong with a mission........ To buy 6 kilos of cockles!!!!!!

Top : I got it for free during Hari Keluarga
Bottom: I was desperately looking for a track bottom at Tampin so that's the best I can find there :">
Bag : Woolworth ( what was i thinking? to carry 6 kilos of cockles in that bagg??!!)
 Anyway, here are few tips of survival for first timer.
Tip # 1

Go with someone who are experienced and don't ever let them out of your sight. You can learn a lot of things from them like which stall to go that can offer you good price or how to pick the best fish, meats, veggies, etc... Next time around you'll be running all by yourself buying stuff at Pasar Borong.

The Experts. Ali (black t shirt) and his Mother (black tudung)

Tip # 2

Bring a small trolley especially when you plan to buy 6 kilos of cockles...DUH.... They're heavy okeyyy or at least I think so.

The small trolley and 6 kilos of  cockles

Tip # 3

Wear a comfortable covered and washable shoes (Think Phua Chu Kang yellow rubber boots). It saves your feet when you accidentally stepped in a puddle of water. In my case, I depend on my Crocs. It's light, easy to clean, odourless (whaaa??!!), non slippery and not as ugly as the yellow boot that I mentioned earlier.

See.... the wet floor

It's drier at the vege section... can wear your slippers here if you want

Rubber shoes.. easy to clean...

Tip # 4

Leave your designer purse and handbag at home. You'll be touching dead fish, meats or maybe cockles and I believe that you'll be using the same pair of hands to touch your expensive purse and handbag right! Uffff....

Tip # 5

Go natural....
Skip your foundation, mascara, eyeliner, etc etc etc behind... Oh but of course must wear powder and lip balm... You don't want the butcher to be distracted with your shiny face eyy...

With that, you are ready for your first Pasar Borong trip! I guess....

We spent about 1 hour at the Pasar Borong and managed to get all of our stuff including my cockles.... and of course I would return to Pasar Borong Serdang should I need to buy raw food in bulk. They're open at nights too (I think all Pasar Borong do) which is even better.